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Safari Mission

(Brave of heart need only to apply.)


To be a safari guide, you must discover the secrets hidden in the following web pages. You will be expected to display your skills in navigating sites and providing search information to reveal the answers you seek.  You must provide the answers in the appropriate boxes and printout the completed form through your browser when you return from your safari. Make sure your teacher has a copy of your safari printout before you go home from your trip.


The best of luck to you on your worldwide safari. Stay on the designated paths because you will never know who you might meet along the way. However, if you want to get adventurous, search and investigate every bend and turn in the road. Good luck!


Special Guidelines







Special Instruction:


The first home of the Painted Turtle is ___________.

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What is the home of the baby polar bear called?




A baby kangaroo’s home is in the mothers pouch. What is another name for a baby kangaroo?


Save this link to Favorites to be used in a latter question.


Approximately, how long does a baby kangaroo live in the pouch?


Go to Favorites to retrieve the web site on kangaroos.


The home of the Prairie Dog is called a _____________.

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Make sure this is the home of a family of Prairie Dogs and not the whole settlement.


In what state is the largest Prairie Dog settlement?

Do a search for Prairie Dog and click all.

Scroll down until graphics are finished and click on Wildlife Search-Prairie Dog.  Then click on Texas Parks & Wildlife – Prairie Dog Fact Sheet.


The home of the baby seahorse is in the mothers pouch.


 Yes    No

Animal Superdads


A baby hummingbird has a nest the size of a ___________.


Click on the hummingbird.

Click on Nests.


What is the baby hummingbird’s nest made of?

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Use the hyperlink from question 8.


Where does the mother of the Mountain Bluebird make its nest?


Classroom Projects


What is a bluebird?



What infant makes a nest in a tree or on the ground each night?

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Meet the Congo Residents


Hello, I am a bat. Most people believe I only live in caves. Find as many other possible habitats that I may live in.

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(Need at least eight)


How many bats can live in an area the size of a briefcase?

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Use the hyperlink from the previous question.

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2002 Copyright

Gail Zmierski